- The Coalition of Adolescents and Young Adults (CAYA) Media Project, an integrated SAP/HIVP program for 6th graders as they transition from elementary to middle school (2003 to 2008). The mission of the CAYA Media Project is to build a drug-free, healthy, and safe community for adolescents and young adults. The CAYA Media Project developed a model prevention curriculum entitled “Better Choices for a Better Future© (BCBF). BCBF is the only Caribbean-based evidenced-based prevention intervention. It is based on authentic Crucian culture and the SAMHSA Model Program Project Alert and CDC Model Program Focus on Kids. ARCH developed a curriculum which combined communication through mass media and interpersonal networks in a cultural context to produce an interactive, positive influence on behavior. ARCH implemented the curriculum as an after-school program at two school sites with participants recruited from other public and parochial schools and then as an in-school program at the two public school sites. BCBF integrated curriculum has been identified as having a positive influence on youth with issues such as early sexual interactions, alcohol and other drug use, and violence. The curriculum provides pre-teens and teenagers with the sense of self-worth through values clarification and goal setting. The program’s activities include a myriad of skill development strategies such as videos, educational lectures, arts and crafts, games, storytelling and role-playing in the various curriculum sessions. The activities provide a variety of information resources that build the social and personal skills necessary to develop good behaviors inconsistent with drug use and early sexual activity
- ARCH modified the BCBF curriculum to reflect the local conditions and history of “East of the River” in the District of Columbia. “Better Choices for a Better Future: The DC Experience©” was pilot tested Summer 2011
- A summer substance use prevention camp for youth in partnership with the Grove Place Weed and Seed program (Summer 2003)
- ARCH also obtained 2 Compassion Capital Fund (CCF) grants: Partnering with Ebenezer Methodist Church in 2003 to expand their after-school program for Richmond Estate youth (eastern side of St. Croix) and partnering with Bethel Methodist Church in 2005 to provide assistance for their after-school youth program in Frederiksted (western side of St. Croix). ARCH helped these organizations to enhance their after-school resources, including one-on-one tutoring, computer skills training, parenting skills workshops and expanding them to include members of the surrounding at-risk communities
- Primary funder of the 2006 St. Croix Unity Coalition Annual Youth Summer Retreat
- As part of the USVI Department of Education Safe and Drug-Free Schools program, ARCH Institute participated in the Summer Enrichment Program (Summer 2007) by providing our prevention curriculum to 17 middle school students. We also have provided prevention services as part of the USVI Department of Human Services Safe and Drug-Free Schools residential program designed for at-risk youth, wards of the state and mentally troubled youth at the group homes and the USVI Crisis Center (December 2007 – January 2008). ARCH provided a modified version of our prevention curriculum to about 40 youth, ages 13-17 that were housed in the territory’s residential programs
- ARCH Institute conducted several group trainings and one-on-one technical assistance A sessions. Over the past six years ARCH Institute has been dedicated to providing quality, effective and culturally appropriate services for Crucian youth and families living in St Croix
- ARCH led the development of a girls’ health focused project in Spring 2009 with funding support from the U.S. Department of Health’s Office of Women’s Health. ARCH’s girl’s health education and prevention program focused on girls in the 4th and 5th grades. These girls were identified as high-risk by school personnel and they learned about their bodies and making safe and healthy choices over a 12-week period. ARCH and our local public health and non-profit partners provided a holistic approach to health education – nutrition, hygiene, domestic violence prevention, substance abuse prevention, HIV and other sexual disease prevention
- ARCH provided technical management services and program and organizational development to the following organizations in D.C. and MD:
* The Health Action Forum of Prince George’s County, a community-based organization in Prince George’s County, MD (at the request of the Assistant Surgeon General/Administrator of the Bureau of Primary Health Care) facilitated creation and development of a Strategic Plan, (2001- 2003)
* Strategic Community Services, Inc. (headquartered in Prince George’s County), various projects (2001 – present)
* National Political Congress of Black Women, Inc. (NPCBW) - lead the formation and development of the organization’s International Commission of Women of African Descent (ICWAD) at the request of the late Dr. C. Delores Tucker, President of NPCBW (2000 – 2003)
* National Medical Association, various projects (2000-present)
* National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) various health projects and workshops at the request
of Dr. Dorothy Height (2000 –2010)
* Ward 8 Drug-Free Coalition, ongoing expert consultant and assisted in securing an ONDCP/SAMHSA drug-free community grant (2005 – present)
* DC Citywide Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition, ongoing expert consultation
* American Bar Association Council on Racial & Ethnic Justice, fundraising and project development services (2008 – 2010)